This was my first post-op visit with my surgeon. We arrived at his office and I had to have my original cast/splint removed. This was a very tender procedure, the cotton was stuck to my leg because of the stuff they cleaned my leg with, on top of that my leg was greenish yellow. The cleaning process was rubbing alcohol. Very cold and it felt GREAT!
After the cleaning it was time to remove my staples. The final count was 6 staples on the inside of my ankle and 15 on the outside. I'm not going to lie to you the staple removing was painful. I felt like I was getting stung by bee's - I hate that feeling!

After the staples I was on my was to x-ray. That was not too bad just uncomfortable. Why is it the x-ray tech always want you to put your self in positions that if you could manage to get into you would not need an x-ray???? One of the deep questions of life!

Next was the meeting with my Doctor. I was shown my x-rays and was told that my leg was healing so well that the breaks were hard to locate. My Doctor had to actually point them out to me. Part of the reason for this was the great work of my Doctor and lots of screws, pins and a plate. Two big screws in the large leg bone and a plate with six smaller screws and pins. See the

Bottom line was that I was NOT given a plaster cast but a WALKING BOOT. Thereby proving that my healing is moving forward and by my next visit in January I'm to be walking without and assistance of my walker or crutches. Oh, Yea, I can drive! I feel almost human again.
Stay Tuned!
I Remain,
Pastor Steve