Thursday, January 26, 2006

John Grisham's "The Street Lawyer"

In my last post about John Grisham I mentioned that I was preparing to read "The Partner", however, Lynn thought that I would enjoy "The Street Lawyer", so I gave it a read.

As I got started I thought that this was going to be a story about how anyone who has money and a home is evil because there are those who are living on the streets. Not So. Grisham had his bit of social commentary but did not allow that to over ride the story of a guy re-evaluating his personal goals and ambitions.

One thing that did really strike me was that the entire story covers only 32 days in the life of the main character. Life is fragile and I'm learning, maybe recognizing is a better word, that our lives can be radically changed in an instant!

Overall, not a bad read, not quite the page turner that The Broker" was but still a good story. On to "The Partner"!

That is the way I see it

I Remain,

Pastor Steve

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