Monday, July 05, 2010

Special Note for T. Mark

T. Mark, 

Invited your folk to come to Clear Lake for the 4th. We had a cookout in the rain but everyone was able to eat inside and the rain let up just in time for us to all go down to the lake front and watch the fireworks.

Good time were had by all! Love being able to have your folks over to hang out with our church people!

Trust all is well with you ... keep checking in!

Pastor Steve

1 comment:

Bea O'Problem said...

Thanks for the info. We celebrated the 4th the only way possible in France : we watched the European ESPN channel. Sounds great, doesn't it. The excitement started at 6:00 PM (11:00 AM your time). We all huddled around the glow of the TV and watched Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest. Not exactly fireworks on the lake front, but who doesn't enjoy watching people jam hot dogs down their gullet.

I was closely watching your comments on the China trip. In my mind I keep saying, "Say it, say it..." and then you did... "The trip was eye-opening and life altering." I don't think you were "over the top" and I really get what you mean. Extremely glad you were able to take the trip and I know your life will never be the same.


T. Mark

PS My blog name is in honor of my adopted homeland. You've never lived until you've ridden the Paris subway in the summer. Try to get your mind around this... subway car, 97° stifling heat, no deodorant, 97% humidity, no deodorant, 157 people crammed into your subway car, no deodorant, 95% of the people raising their arms to hold on when the subway leaves the station, no deodorant, as the car stops you fall forward and your nose hits a hairy pit, you say excuse me Sir... um.... Mame.
You come to visit and I'll try to line up such an experience for you.