This is the end of just a brutal year. One commentator said the Iowa mens' team were "just a bunch of clompers - clomping up and down the court with very little athleticism". As much as I enjoy Iowa Basketball, I'm wondering what the fix could be for this awful product.

To the Powers that be: please step back and take a long look at this situation, the player & coaches, the University and the fans deserve better. Frankly, the University of Iowa is better than that and must produce a better product!
That is the way I see it!
Did you pray enough for them this year? Big Bro
True. The only place to go from here is up! I am excited for next season! They DO have some athlets on the team, Eric May for one. They do have some good ball players, Cully Payne and Matt Gattens. So I am excited to see what next season will bring.
I'm sorry for your loss, however, Michigan is a pretty awesome state!!! :)
~ Julie
now we have to guess as to the new coach and wonder why anyone would want the job. Last 3 coaches fired. Does not bode well for the next coach.
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