Susan and I have been invited to go to China in May to visit the orphanage at Langfang.
Here is the support letter I've put together:
Greetings from Clear Lake!
I’m writing you to let you know of an opportunity that has been presented to Susan and I this coming May17-27. We have been invited to go on a trip to China, to the Philip Hayden Foundation Shepherd’s Field Children’s Village Orphanage in Langfang, China.
The Philip Hayden Foundation (PHF) was formed in 1995 to honor the memory of Tim and Pam Baker’s good friend whose untimely death inspired them to continue his passion for China’s orphans. Though PHF’s original purpose was to assist local orphanages by donating needed items and helping to arrange surgeries and treatment for at-risk orphans, this limited theireffectiveness. In 1999, they moved to a foster home model focused exclusively on special needs orphans.
This trip is the brain child of John Kamberger. John and his wife Mary have adopted 6 children from China and 2 of those children came from the orphanage in Langfang. Over the years John has developed a heart for these children at Langfang and has desired to go back on a missions trip to work and help out at the facility.
On our trip there will be a great opportunity to help around the orphanage with a number of odd jobs from cleaning to painting and cooking to construction. In a letter I received from the SFCV, they requested that we plan for lots of time to just play and be with the children. At this facility there are at any given time over 100 special needs children.
The purpose of this letter is to ask you if you would stand with Susan and I to raise $4,500 for this missions opportunity. This trip is not sponsored by any mission agency or our church, this is something that we are stepping out by faith, scrimping and saving and asking a few select friends and family to consider helping us accomplish.
What’s next? If you could help us financially that would be incredible! Checks can be made out to “Steven Cox” and sent to the address below. Once again because this missions trip is not sponsored by a mission agency or church, your gift will not be tax deductable. It will simply be just a gift that we will use to impact lives. Whether or not you able to help with the financial aspect of this opportunity, I would implore you to please stand together in prayer with us. A mission trip of this magnitude has the potential to change many lives!
Thank you for your prayerful consideration,
Pastor Steven Cox & Susan Cox
Well, that is what is going on! Should you be interested in getting involved with this opportunity please feel free to e-mail me at:
Thanks for taking the time to read my blog!
Pastor Steve