I'm so excited!!!
I've been in the deer stand a few times and seen deer every time. we are in the pre-rut stage of the season and the bucks are just starting to get interested in the does.
Once the rut kicks in full force - the buck will go completely stupid, let their natural guard down and present an opportunity for harvest to a wise bow hunter. I just wish I knew one!

Last Saturday was the second waterfowl opener. I was ready and shot up a bunch of shells!
Had a wonderful time and harvested a hen and a drake wood duck. These are beautiful birds ... and ... quite tasty!
I'll keep you posted on the rest of the seasons!
I remain,
Pastor Steve
Boy, I kinda miss deer hunting....
Big Bro
Sounds like fun! I wish I could join you. Never got that safety class done this year. O well, there's always next year.
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