The 6 of us headed off to the Cedar Falls Bible Conference Grounds to see the Southern Gospel Quartet Legacy Five. I received free tickets in the mail and so it was time for a road trip! Tom drove and we all had a wonderful evening.
The music was great! Their bass was incredible as well as their high tenor. Their piano player was very good as well and Never had a formal lesson in his life. He played one of my favorites "In My Heart There Ring A Melody". The key board was smoking when he finished - the audience gave him a standing O. The video link is not all that great but the sound is very good.
Following the concert we found our way to Famous Dave's and got our rib racks on! We ate like Kings!
Good music, Good Food and Great Friends - What a great night out!
I Remain,
Pastor Steve
I can't believe you were practically in our back yard and didn't even let us know. In fact, we were in Cedar Falls Friday night, and DROVE BY Famous Dave's. Just because we ditched you on Memorial Day weekend doesn't mean you have to be rude in return. Humpf.
I'm jealous!!!! I love Legacy Five.
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