This is the place where I talk about what is on my mind! My plan is to let you in on what drives me, what motivates me & what fires me up! Please stop by often, leave a note or comment on what I've written or what I've posted. Pastor Steve (1 Timothy 1:16)
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Update On My Dad
Let me explain, Mom ands Dad are working the State Wrestling Tournament in Des Moines. The last two days Dad felt great, but tonight when he got home he was sick! Tomorrow he may feel great. Mom says that the "bad" days are growing further and further apart.
Thanks to all of you who have been praying ... keep it up!!!
I Remain,
Pastor Steve
Thursday, February 16, 2006
Looking Forward To March Madness

Iowa now goes on the road with games at Minnesota and Illinois then they close out the year with Penn State and Wisconsin at Carver Hawkeye Arena in Iowa City. The Hawkeyes are ranked #20 in the nation and #1 in the Big 10. With a conference record of 9 - 3 and an overall record of 20 - 6, Iowa seems to be a shoe in for the NCAA Men's Basketball Tournament in March.
I'm so excited about the tournament this year, Maryland is ranked #4 nationally, Duke is powered by the J.J. Redick, Gonzaga has the long hair Adam Morrison and the UNI Panthers are in contention for a conference title and an invitation to the big dance. The down side is that at this time it looks like the Iowa State Cyclones will miss the tourney sitting at only a 14-10 record over all along with the Drake Bulldogs at 12-15. Both of these teams would have to win their conference tournaments to get in, at large invites do not seem very likely at this time of the season.
I love this game!
I Remain,
Pastor Steve
Our Very "Dangerous" Vice President

I'm growing so tired of the elite east coast media and their superior attitude toward the rest of the country as if were just a bunch of "Bubba's" that would not be able to survive with out their help and guidance. I especially like the "headbutt"!
Keep your head up and keep laughing!!!
I Remain, Pastor Steve
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Valentines Day and Thoughts On Love
I my humble opinion this is nothing more that an opportunity for another money grab by retailer of flowers, candy, cards and fine food. That's right, I'm giving a "Humbug" on the subject of Valentines Day!!!
Now, let me talk about love.
Love is defined as:
1. A deep, tender, ineffable feeling of affection and solicitude toward a person, such as that arising from kinship, recognition of attractive qualities, or a sense of underlying oneness.
2. A feeling of intense desire and attraction toward a person with whom one is disposed to make a pair; the emotion of sex and romance.
3. a. Sexual passion. b. Sexual intercourse. c. A love affair.
4. An intense emotional attachment, as for a pet or treasured object.
5. A person who is the object of deep or intense affection or attraction; beloved. Often used as a term of endearment.
OK, that is the dictionary definition, I'm more concerned with the Biblical definition as found in the Vines Expository Dictionary of Biblical Words. LOVE: not an impulse from the feelings, it does not always run with the natural inclinations, it seeks the welfare of all and expects nothing in return.
Thus is the love of God for us that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us. Thus is the reason that God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. And why Jesus said in John 13:35 By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.
Yesterday at an area-wide Pastor's fellowship I was reminded of this again by Pastor Steve Hill. Not only reminded but challenged to contemplate God love for me. To think that God could love any of us is utterly amazing! Dead in our sins, totally depraved, the depth of our own sinful hearts not even known and yet He loves us from the foundations of the earth! Incredible!
Looking for a love to celebrate this valentines day ... Consider the love of God!
That is the Way I See It
Pastor Steve
I Could Not Stop Laughing

'nough said!
Pastor Steve
Sunday, February 12, 2006
John Grisham's "The Partner"
I'm not about to give up the ending, I would never do that, however I thought it was a cheap ploy pulled by Grisham! Very dissapointing!
I'm on to "The Testament". I let youy know what I thought of in as soo as I'm finished with it.
If you have read "The Partner", I would love to hear your take on the ending. Leave a comment or send me an e-mail. Thanks!
I Remain,
Pastor Steve
Friday, February 10, 2006
Something More To Life
My daughter Amy let me listen to her CD by Ginny Owen. This is the title track:
Something More
By Ginny Owens
I've spent half my lifetime watching time go by
And wondering where it went
When I try to fall asleep at night
I lay there feeling spent
Contemplating what the next day's gonna hold for me
Tossin' turnin', my mind is churnin'
Thought won't let me be
Every morning meets me with a list of all I have to do
Every evening greets me with the knowledge that I'm never through
Every taste of success makes me vow to never fail
Feels like I just chase my tail
Chorus: There's gotta be something more than running circles for a living
Gotta be something better than just trying to survive
Gotta be some important puzzle piece that I am missing
Gotta be something more to life.
If every picture tells a story, Mine must be a mystery
'Cause I lose sight of who I am and who I am And who I'm supposed to be
Looking back on what I've built
And all that I've achieved
Only leads me to believe
Chorus: There's gotta be something more than running circles for a living
Gotta be something better than just trying to survive
Gotta be some important puzzle piece that I am missing
Gotta be something more to life.
Tired of these hopeless places
Bored with my earthly things
So I must fill my empty spaces
With the love that heaven brings
Lots of truth in this song!
That's the way I see it!
I Remain,
Pastor Steve
Homeschooling Our Kids Is Hard
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
My Babies Mama
He told me of a situation in which he was talking with and women who had been physically abused by her"babies daddy", when confronted with the idea that she could choose to walk away from that lifestyle and the abusive man, when she said " the truth is that you have no choice of who your babies daddy is." When I heard that for the first time I just sat with a stunned look on my face, I could not believe what I was hearing. I asked my friend and he said it was true ... "You have no choice of who your babies daddy is".
To try and cover all of the ways that this statement is just wrong boggles my mind! Let me touch on the thought that you have no choice in life but to have sex with every person you think you are attracted too. The idea that you have no choice! If you are not sexually active you do not run the risk of pregnancy. Abstinence works!
Now before you start posting replies that I not being realistic, I know and understand that our society says that people should be free to express their physical desires as they please (and with who they please) and to place restrictions upon them in not fair, realistic or practical. Fine, that is what society says, but since when do we take our cues from modern society.
As a Bible believing Christian, we take our cues from the Word of God! One man and one woman for a lifetime. Sex is a gift from God designed to be experienced within the bounds of marriage. Any deviation from the master plan is to head for trouble. The guidelines in the Word of God are there to protect us not keep us from enjoying life! Jesus said in John 10:10 that he came "that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly."
As our society continues to decay, the truth of the Word of God continues to shine even brighter. People are searching and desiring answers to the problems of life and we have the answers that seek. What are we doing to impact our sphere of influence? Would to God our lives would impact our communities, neighborhoods and our friends!
At least that is the way I see it
I Remain,
Pastor Steve
Monday, February 06, 2006
Iowa Leaves Michigan Blue

By Andrew Logue
(edited by: PSC)
February 5, 2006
The No. 23 Hawkeyes dished out their most lopsided victory ever over the No. 21 Wolverines, while matching a Carver-Hawkeye Arena record with their 15th consecutive home win and taking the outright lead in the Big Ten Conference.
Two-time defending champ Illinois missed a chance to tie for the top after a 66-65 home loss to Penn State.
Iowa (18-5, 7-2 Big Ten) had a decisive 20-5 run to take a 48-34 advantage with 17:20 left in the second half.
Iowa made a season-best 65.3 percent of its shots, including eight consecutive 3-point baskets.
Michigan (16-4, 6-3) made 32 percent in the second half and dropped from first to third place in the standings.
Wow, Thus far a great year! The next few games really look winnable with 18 wins now an invite to the big dance looks very good at this point!
That's The Way I See It
I Remain,
Pastor Steve
Sunday, February 05, 2006
This Road
Believing this is very liberating, no matter what happens I can know that God is in control and all I need to do is trust Him to work out his plan and purpose for my life. The rub comes when in my fallen humanness I try to make sense of everything in my own mind. I ran across this song and wanted to let you see the lyrics. Read this and I hope it is a blessing and brings a bit of peace!
This Road
By: Ginny Owens
A million miles away from anything familiar
a thousand places I would rather be
so I choke back the tears and try to find the bright side
though I find it hard to see beyond my suffering
in my heart I know your plan is so much bigger
but this small part is all that I can see
and I believe you haven’t left me here to wander
still I can't help but ponder where you're leading me
and I ask why this road, why this way, and this load
tell me how far must I go till I see till I know why this road
A million miles away from anything familiar
what was it like to be so far from home
though you came in love
the world misunderstood you
there must have been some days when you felt so alone
but you endured, cause there was joy before you
joy that came because you sacrificed
Since you gave yourself just to spend forever with me
surely I can trust you'll lead me through my darkest times
when I ask why....this road, why this way, and this load
tell me how far must I go till I see till I know why this road
From here I can not see
why you'd choose this path for me
but I don't have to understand to believe
that you know why
You know why this road, why this way and this load
you know how far I must go till I see, till I know
why this road
That Is The Way I See It,
I Remain,
Pastor Steve
Saturday, February 04, 2006
I Know Your Out There!
I was lamenting the other day to Lynn and the kids that "nobody was reading my blogs" and the reality is that just because you are not leaving a lot of comments ... YOU ARE OUT THERE!
I was at a meeting this week and a couple of guys said how much they enjoyed reading my blog, I got an e-mail this week from an old friend that I have not talked with for quite some time and he had the same message!
So now that I'm sure that there really is someone reading my blog I'm planning to write a bit more! I hope you enjoy what I write and if I can at least spur you to think or get you fired up then we both win!
Well at least that is the way I see it,
I Remain,
Pastor Steve
So How Is Everyone Doing?
Juliana Kamberger is doing well at home in Clear Lake, however she is still not thriving the way we would like to see. Not eating or drinking enough and therefore her output is very low. Her color is good and her energy level seem pretty good, but we still need to be praying for her. This is still a very touch time in her recovery.
Lynn Cox is doing very well! She saw her surgeon this week and was given a full release to resume her regular activities as she feels able. We are so thankful to all of you for your thoughts, prayers, flowers, gifts and cards. It is truly humbling the way your friends and family rally around you when there is a time of need. Thanks again!!!
Roger Cox is in the hospital. For those who don't know, Roger is my Dad! He has been diagnosed with cancer and has been undergoing radiation/chemotherapy for the past 6 or 8 weeks. Last week he developed blood clots in his lungs. A very serious and dangerous turn of events. As you can image we are very concerned. The prognosis is very good, the doctors believe they caught the clots early and with drug they should be able to get them dissolved and Dad should be out of the hospital by Monday!
As I reflect on the past few weeks I am again amazed at the providence and plan of God in peoples lives. Juliana withstood about 13 hours of open heart surgery, Lynn had her gall bladder out and my Dad has undergone cancer treatment with little or no side effects to this point. I'm so thankful that my hope and trust are in the creator God of all the universe, as Paul wrote to his son in the faith: "... nevertheless I am not ashamed, for I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that He is able to keep what I have committed to Him until that Day." Thank you Lord for your watchcare and protection in our lives!
That Is The Way I See It
I Remain,
Pastor Steve