My usual plan of attack when turkey hunting is to travel over to NE Iowa with a couple of very good friends, camp out, turkey hunt, eat at a small town cafe, and visit a fish and cheese shop in Wisconsin. Makes for a very full few days but I alway enjoy the short time away.
This year was going to be different ... Due to circumstances I was not able to travel to NE Iowa and so my hunt would consist of hunting in the North Iowa area around Clear Lake. This presented me a bit of a challenge as I was not real familiar with good turkey areas around home. That is where a little help from those in the "know" really helps!

The fourth part of the turkey season opened and with a new tag in hand I was back at it! I used a pop up blind and had a Tom working my was when he spooked and took off, later that morning I saw a coyote, deer and lots of ducks and geese. One thing I noticed was that every time I went to my morning spot the turkeys would sound off and then head West. So one afternoon, I set up on the West end of the area I was hunting but only saw a hen and a jake (an immature male) that was too far away for a shot.
Then came the "May Snowstorm" that put the kibosh on my hunting for a few day. When I was able to resume, it was suggested that I return to the West end but move even further to the West. That I did. I found a spot on a fence line where I was able to see a plowed corn field on one side and a grass pasture on the other. The thought was that the turkeys that headed West every morning would have to make their way back to the wood to roost it the evening. That is exactly what happened!

I would love to be able to say that it was my incredible skill at calling or my ability with my decoys that got me my opportunity ... but the truth is this hunt was a flat our ambush! As my Dad would say "you were in the right place at the right time". Sometimes "lucky" is better than good!
Already looking forward to next year!
I Remain,
Pastor Steve
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