It seems that no matter my good intentions, I just struggle to find the time to sit and blog. As I peruse other blogs I realize that every posting does not need to be as long as "War & Peace" but to try and condense my thought down to a few pithy lines. I'm a preacher, there is nothing I enjoy more than a good narrative or a good story. Some folks might even say I'm long winded, I have no idea where they would get that idea.
Oh well!
Over the next few days my goal is to bring some updates on the summer past. Letting you in on what I've been up to and what God has been doing in my life.
In the middle of July Lynn and I attended Family Camp #3 at the Iowa Regular Baptist Camp in Ventura (Just outside of Clear Lake). This has been a family event since Philip was just 6 months old!
This year was extra special in that Daniel, Maggie & the boys come for their family vacation as well! I'm not going to lie to you ... being the Grandpa is the best!

I got the opportunity to introduce Elijah to the world of Slushie's! I'm not really sure he like them as well as I do but we had a great time. Every evening after chapel we would go to the snack-shack and get a green slushie and a bag of popcorn. Great fun!
On the Benjamin front, I got to introduce him to corn on the cob! At first he was just sucking on the cob that I had already eaten the corn off of but I found that he was able to bite off a bit of corn with the few teeth that he had. He really liked it and was leaning and reaching trying to get his hands of that ear of corn. I'm not sure Maggie was all that happy about the fresh sweet corn that Benjamin had to eat, especially when it was diaper changing time!
More to come,
I Remain,
Pastor Steve
1 comment:
Man corny poo is the worst! Thanks for commenting on my blog I appreciate it man. I am always reminded of that year that I was able to come to family camp for a few days with you guys when I read your camp stories. That was a lot of fun! Hopefully someday I can join you again. And keep on that kid for slushies, he'll come around!
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