This is the place where I talk about what is on my mind! My plan is to let you in on what drives me, what motivates me & what fires me up! Please stop by often, leave a note or comment on what I've written or what I've posted. Pastor Steve (1 Timothy 1:16)
Last Thursday we were told to batten down the hatches for a huge winter storm. The powers that be in the weather department were not lying. We started with sleet and then moved to a freezing rain bit. By the time the snow began in earnest, we had about a half inch ice on the ground. That was followed by 15 inches of snow, a blizzard warning and a Sunday filled with digging out!
Now before you might feel sorry for me ... we were very fortunate! We did not lose our electric as many did; and some still do not have their power back on yet!
To top this off as I write this blog .... the freezing rain has begun in a fury. We are right now under the following weather statements: a Blizzard Warning & a Winter Weather Advisory. So as I said at the beginning, here we go again!
The Ventura High School will be performing "Arsenic & Old Lace" as the Spring play for 2007.
Many of you will remember that Arsenic & Old Lace was a classic 1944 Frank Capra movie starring Cary Grant. The plot runs some thing like this: On his wedding day Mortimer Brewster learns that his beloved maiden aunts are homicidal maniacs, and that insanity runs in his family.
The reason I tell you this is because Philip and Susan will both be in the play. Susan will be working on the stage crew as an assistant stage manager. Philip landed one of the lead rolls; that of Mortimer Brewster!
Play practice begins on Monday February 19th & the performances will be on March 24th & 25th. I promise more details to follow!
We're really looking forward to this play at our house!
I had the opportunity this past Saturday to attend the Blueprint Leadership Seminar held at Faith Baptist Bible College in Ankeny, presented by the GARBC.
This was an excellent seminar and I gained a great deal of insight! The seminar was given by John and Daria Greening.
*The Blueprint Seminar is an in-depth learning experience designed to help you and your church leaders develop a comprehensive strategy for moving people toward spiritual maturity. *The Blueprint Seminar will enable you to:
Identify the 7 building blocks of spiritual maturity
Discover the instructional essentials that nurture spiritual growth
Evaluate your church’s progress toward full spiritual development
Create new ways to help people learn
Design a customized plan for your church
A very profitable day ... not necessarily new information that I have never heard, but information organized in an a very concise manor.
I'm thankful for conferences and seminar's that you can attend and you do not walk away feeling that if your not doing your ministry exactly like the presenters or organization are, your doing ministry wrong!
One of the key reasons why I'm a huge fan of the Biblical Counseling Conference in Lafayette, In. That's the way I see it,
Pastor Steve
*=information from GARBC web site
PS: Just for the record we had supper at Mama Lacona's
In my last post I was bemoaning the fact that I felt terrible and just wanted to go to bed. Well, I thought an update would be in order.
Truthfully, on Saturday evening I had very little hope that I would even be able to preach on Sunday. That would mean that for the first time since I started into full time ministry, I would have missed a Sunday of preaching responsibilities.
I got up on Sunday morning and really didn't feel any better but my horrendous cough seemed a bit better. So I headed off to at least try to teach my Sunday School class, I got through the class and between services made sure that one of the Deacons was ready in case I could not go in the AM service.
Long story short, I was, by God's Grace, able to preach both the morning and evening services with out too much interference from my cold and coughing. Once again proving that God's grace is sufficient in every circumstance!