Just wanted to check in and give an update on stuff. This has bee a whirlwind couple of weeks for the Cox's!
Senior High Camp: I was privileged to serve as a counselor at the Iowa Regular Baptist Camp for the week of senior high camp. What a blast! Somewhere around 450-500 campers, counselors and staff; great weather and incredible activities not to mention the chapel services.
A couple of highlights from Sr. High Camp: 1.) The FBBC Contenders skits were off the hook! These guys & gals did a great job in communicating biblical truth in a serious and sometimes hilarious way! My favorites were "Baggage"; "Grace"; "Adam & Eve" & "Superhero Superstore". Good stuff! 2.) The music for the evening services was again this year fantastic! Tim Jones did an incredible job of once again using a mix of hymns and praise and worship music to set the stage for God to work. I'm so thankful for Tim's ministry!
Vacation Bible School: the week following Sr. High Camp our church hosted a VBS. our theme was Ancient Babylon looking at the lessons to be learned from Daniel. Our VBS is headed up by Doreen Nichols and she always dose an incredible job. Again this year, she transformed our fellowship hall into a Babylonian marketplace complete with shops and a bakery!
We had our highest attendance on Wednesday evening with 33 and for our church that is a great number of children! Our offer project this year was for the Shepherds ministry "Christmas in July".
Family Camp #5: Following a week of VBS, Lynn and I transitioned out to Family Camp at the Iowa Regular Baptist Camp; not for a week of vacation but I had been asked to be the evening speaker for the week. This was a huge honor and I chose to preach the series on the Book of Ruth which I had just preached in our church. These messages were very well received and judging from the feed back I've gotten, well used of God in the lives of the family campers.
Others speakers for the week were Missionary Gerald Hawk and Pastor
Scott Onofrio. The program chairman for the week was Pastor Doug
Farrell. The theme for the summer at camp was "Superhero Training Camp". It was a tremendous pleasure to serve with these men!
The Hawk Family |
The Onofrio Family |
The Farrell Family |
Wow! A very busy three weeks of ministry, but we would want it no other way! What is next on the agenda....
I Remain,
Pastor Steve