I resigned the ministry in Clear Lake in February, a ministry that I had invest 18 years into, needles to say but that was not an easy decision. Still to this day I miss the folks there and pray for them as they continue to seek the man God has for them to lead, guide and challenge them to continue to grow and change to be more like Jesus!
I left the ministry in Clear Lake to assume the lead Pastoral role at Bethel Baptist Church in Oskaloosa, Iowa. Many have asked what would cause me to change ministries after 18 years in one place. I would have to honestly say the leading of the Lord and the opportunities that the ministry in Osky had to offer. From the compact Sunday schedule to the opportunity to begin to build a ministry team to having two part time administrative assistants to a bit more relaxed worship style. All of these "things" weighed into the decision making process, but in the end Lynn and I agreed that this was where God was leading us!
Shortly after arriving is Osky, my Mom's heath began to decline a bit and that has been and continues to be a struggle for all involved. In the midst of walking through my Mom's health issues, one of my older sisters passed away. Thankfully, our entire family was together and we able to attend her funeral and be a support for one another in this tough time.

opportunity to buy our own home! What a process!!! This is the first home Lynn and I have ever purchased and we were astounded at the amount of paper work! We felt so overwhelmed at times, even wondering if it was really even worth all of the effort. But it was! When we closed on our house it was a great day of celebration and now looking back WAS worth all the work! (The conversion van is NOT mine!)
Enough for today ... hopefully, the next blog will be sooner than later!
I Remain,
Pastor Steve