Things in my life have been going at a break neck speed! The Spring has been incredibly busy. Here is the update...
Graduation: We had the honor of attending the graduation of both Philip and Susan from Faith Baptist Bible College. Philip graduated with an Assistant Pastor's degree and Susan graduated with a 2 year Executive Assistants degree. We are very proud of both of them and are excited to see what God will do with them in the future!
Bus Driving: I have been driving for three different groups: Clear Lake School District, Ventura School District and the Redeemer Lutheran Day-Care. This past few months I have been driving almost everyday. Keeps me busy and brings in a bit of extra cash & I really enjoy driving the different routes and events.
Turkey Hunting: I took three days and drove over to Northeast Iowa for a turkey hunting trip with a couple of good friends. Left clear Lake on Sunday evening after the evening service, slept in my van and was in the timber at 4:30 AM Monday morning! Due to the warm spring weather, the hunt did not go very well. because of time constraints and schedules I could not go over any earlier. That being said ... we did not see any birds and heard only a couple. To top off everything, I got sick on Tuesday morning and was driving back to Clear Lake by noon on Tuesday and spent the rest of the day in bed! Oh, well!

Fishing: The fishing this Spring has thus far been very good! we have bee n able to land some really good fish. On Clear Lake there is a slot limit on walleyes, you may have three fish per day, all fish must be over 14 inches to keep and you may only have 1 fish over 22 inches. I have landed a couple of 18 inchers and 1 that was 20 inches! Susan caught a 17.25 incher and was very proud of her catch! For Memorial Day we thawed all of the fish we caught to share with our church family at a picnic,we had nearly 10 pounds of fish between us! Good time and good eats!
Ministry: We have been incredibly blessed at our church with a number of visitors, both individuals and families! As well as some major projects being accomplished. New windows, and new handicapped restroom upstairs and a ramp for the outside of the building. The ministry of the Word is such a blessing, we just concluded a walk through Joshua and Judges and are poised to begin Ruth very soon!
More to Come!
I Remain,
Pastor Steve