This is the place where I talk about what is on my mind! My plan is to let you in on what drives me, what motivates me & what fires me up! Please stop by often, leave a note or comment on what I've written or what I've posted. Pastor Steve (1 Timothy 1:16)
I know that it has been a while but just telling you I've been busy would be a cop out! EVERYBODY is busy. So let me try to bring you up to date.
The ministry is moving forward and we're seeing God do some incredible things. This Fall, our men's class, our ladies class and our teen class at church are studying a really great book by Jerry Bridges called Trusting God. It is all about God's sovereignty in all areas of life. It has been a great blessing!
On a personal note, the Iowa archery deer season has opened and I've been able to get into the deer woods a few time. Not seen a great deal but the crops are still in and there is an abundance of cover, as the fall progresses the hunting conditions will only improve! Please know that I will keep you posted on the deer hunting!
My great-nephew took a giant deer in the youth season. Great job Logan!!!! What an awesome deer and that smile is priceless!
The family is doing well, Daniel and Maggie are well waiting for the new arrival in December. Amy is working hard and living with her grandma in Ankeny, Philip is at Faith and poor Susan is stuck at home with Lynn and I.
Not much changes on the home front for Lynn and I, she is babysitting again this year and loving the grandma practice, she is spending a great deal of time doing research for a new digital camera she wants to get before December...I wonder why???
Trust all is well with you ... Drop me a comment!!!
The story is told of a Pastor who took an extended vacation in Scotland.
While driving through the countryside he came across a shepherd working his sheep with a pair of sheep dogs. The Pastor stopped his travels and began to just sit and watch. The Pastor watched for a long time and was fascinated at how the dogs worked. The shepherd would simply use hand signals and the dogs would respond by moving and herding the sheep where ever the shepherd desired.
After awhile the Pastor asked how the shepherd was able to get the dog to work so hard and so effortlessly. The shepherd told him it was simply a reward system, when the dogs respond correctly they are given a reward and when they respond incorrectly there is no reward.
The Pastor turned to leave, mind reeling with application possibilities when the shepherd said that there was one more thing that he needed to know. The dogs needed to realize that the reward was never from the sheep only from the shepherd.
That statement hit the Pastor like a brick to the head. Pastors are the sheepdogs who work for, obey only and are rewarded by the Chief Shepherd. The eternal rewards never come from the sheep.