Saturday, November 28, 2009

Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving day began a bit differently for us this year as we waited until the morning to leave for Des Moines. We loaded all of Lynn's Mom's stuff into her car and she and Susan took off with Lynn and I right behind.

After leaving Lynn's Mom at her home in Ankeny, we proceeded on to my Mom's in Des Moines. We arrived there at about 10:30 AM and the rest of the family began arriving shortly there after.

The food festivities began with a chip dip that I brought, normally, we do not have appetizers before the Thanksgiving meal, we reserve that for our large family Christmas buffet. But, because we are going to have Christmas in Clear Lake this year I decided to bring an appetizer to Thanksgiving. My choice this years was a favorite at our church, green goddess dip served with corn chips.

Just after noon the real meal was on! Turkey, stuffing, mashed potato's, gravy, scalloped corn, green bean casserole, homemade rolls and seasoned butter, cranberry/orange salad, a vegi salad and homemade pumpkin pie! What a feast!

After a couple of hours to recuperate, we headed out to spend time with the Cederquest clan at the Fellowship Baptist Church and then on to Pastor Jeff Holub's home. We kind of invited ourselves into their family gathering but they were very gracious and did not tell us to "get lost" as they probably should have! We had a great time of food, fellowship and fun. As a bonus we got to see Chris & Rachael Pearson, as well as Jonathan & Heather Smith. It was good to get a chance to catch up with them. Our good friends Nick Oliver and Jessica Page stopped by as well - it was an official party!

Overall, a great day of fun, food, and family. As well as another opportunity to reflect on the many blessings that God has bestowed upon us. I'm so very thankful for all that God has done in my life but this year especially for the people that I have had and have now in my life!

Take time to pause.....

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